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AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.

The AVID acronym stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. This is a nationally-recognized educational approach that ensures all students are successful in rigorous curriculum. 

At BHMS, AVID is an academic, regularly scheduled elective class based on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading. The three main components are:

  • Academic instruction
  • Tutorial/Collaborative study groups
  • Motivational activities and field trips

AVID equips our teachers with what they need to help students in the academic middle succeed on a path to college and career success. The foundation of our AVID work at Falcon Ridge Middle School is built on the STAR. Be a STAR - Use the CORNELL note taking strategy.

  • S = Set up the format.
  • T = Take text or lecture notes.
  • A = After class, revise your notes.
  • R = Review and study your notes.

Learn more about AVID>

AVID Application Process

7th Grade AVID Teacher

Amanda Schendel

Amanda Schendel

Tech Coord - Building

8th Grade AVID Teacher

Alyssa Pask

Alyssa Pask