Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books is a fun reading enrichment opportunity open to all Black Hawk students seeking an extra reading challenge. Students will work in teams of 3 to 5 and read the 21 books from the Battle list. (They can divide the titles up so each student on the team reads around 5 books by the end of the year.)
We will meet about once a month to discuss a book from the list. In June, the teams will meet to take the group trivia quiz or Battle that will have questions from all 21 books. Groups are encouraged to come up with a team name and a costume idea for the day of the group trivia quiz. Fun prizes for the Battle and best team costume will be awarded!
Want to win the Battle of the Books?
Follow these steps!
- Sign up on the Battle clipboard in the library.
- Get a team of 3-5 people. (what about 2 people? No. What about 6 people? No.) Come to the meeting on Tuesday, November 16, during homeroom/Panther Time. You are welcome to bring a morning treat such as donuts or muffins for yourself or to share with your team.
- Join the Schoology Group: B8QX-FVNK-JCJSW
- Divide up the books with your teammates. Read the summaries in the slide show to decide which titles you want to read.
- Read the books.
- Attend book discussions about the books you've read.
- Attend the BATTLE OF THE BOOKS in June and answer questions about each book.
- Win Fabulous Prizes!