Multicultural Resources
At District 196, the sky’s the limit. That’s because our committed team of educators is dedicated to helping learners explore the outer limits of their vast potential. We firmly believe that our students come first and that all students can learn. Our highly-skilled and compassionate educators and staff are dedicated to creating safe, respectful and inclusive environments that allow students to maximize their learning.
It is our policy to create a culture of respect in each building in District 196. Per policy 503.8AR, "District 196 schools are expected to establish a culture of respect. The district and schools will establish strategies for creating a positive school climate and will use evidence-based social-emotional learning to prevent and reduce discrimination and other improper conduct."
English Learning in District 196
The English Language Development (ELD) program in District 196 provides academic English language support to multilingual learners so they can acquire the skills and knowledge to achieve their academic, linguistic and personal goals. The ELD program supports multilingual learners in acquiring the English they need in order to succeed in the classroom and beyond, in accordance with the State of Minnesota Guidelines and English Language Proficiency Standards. Incoming students are tested for English proficiency when entering District 196 schools, as well as periodically throughout the school year to determine progress and eligibility for continued instruction.
In EL settings, English learners are part of an English language learning experience where students engage in content study and English learning simultaneously. Students are grouped by proficiency level at the elementary through high school level and may or may not share the same native language.
Schoology Somali
Schoology Spanish
English Schoology
District 196 Cultural Family Advocates Serving BHMS

Milca Dominguez

Nasrin Haji

Brandi Jackson

Rachael Theis

Rashelle Redmon

Lisa Turgeon
More info on our Cultural Family Advocates and contact information can be found at