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Join us for an informational meeting on Thursday, December 5th at 3:15 in the media center! See Ms. Pixler with any questions.

Parent Involvement: If you would like to help organize and coordinate our concession sales for out home meet (January 27th from 8:00-noon) please email: 


Join Speech!

Speech is a co-curricular activity in which each participating student chooses and prepares an interesting piece, presents their selection at four tournaments and earns ribbons for their accomplishments. It’s that simple.

Who: All grades

When: December to February. Coaches are available for practice EVERY DAY after school. Students sign up for a 15-minute meeting with a coach once each week. See meet schedule below.

Registration and Fees: There are two steps to signing up. First, sign up in in EduTrak ($44), then complete the registration form below.

Sign Up Here! (First Step)

Registration Form (Second Step)

Schoology Group Code: 7TKX-WXN7-XG7D8

Speech News

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